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Anime Face Drawing Made Easy: Tips and Tricks for Mastering the Art

How to Draw Anime Face

Do you love anime and manga? Do you want to create your own characters or draw your favorite ones? If so, then this article is for you. In this article, you will learn how to draw anime face in four easy steps. You will also get some tips and tricks to make your drawings look more realistic and expressive. By the end of this article, you will be able to draw anime face like a pro.


What is anime and manga?

Anime and manga are popular forms of Japanese animation and comics that have a distinctive art style. Anime refers to animated TV shows, movies, or videos that are usually based on manga or original stories. Manga refers to comic books or graphic novels that are usually printed in black and white. Anime and manga have a huge fan base around the world, and they cover various genres, themes, and topics.

how to draw anime face

Why learn how to draw anime face?

Drawing anime face is a fun and rewarding hobby that can help you express your creativity and imagination. You can draw anime face for your own enjoyment, or you can share your drawings with others online or offline. You can also use your drawing skills to create your own stories, comics, or animations. Drawing anime face can also improve your observation, proportion, perspective, and shading skills.

What you need to draw anime face

To draw anime face, you don't need any fancy or expensive tools. All you need are some basic drawing materials, such as:

  • A pencil

  • An eraser

  • A ruler

  • A paper

  • A compass or something circular (optional)

  • Colored pencils, markers, or paints (optional)

You can also use a digital drawing tablet or software if you prefer, but it is not necessary.

Step 1: Draw the basic head shape

Draw a circle with a vertical line

The first step is to draw a circle on your paper with a pencil. This will be the outline of the head. You can use a compass or something circular to help you draw a perfect circle, or you can freehand it if you want. Make sure the circle is large enough so you have room to add features later.

Next, find the center of the circle and lightly sketch a straight line that extends from the top of the circle down your paper. This will be the centerline of the face. This line will help you place the features symmetrically.

Draw a guideline for the eyes

The next step is to draw a horizontal line across the circle to mark where the eyes will go. To do this, measure about one-third of the way up from the bottom of the circle and make a small mark on the centerline. Then, use a ruler to draw a straight line that passes through this mark and extends beyond the edges of the circle. This will be the eye line.</p Draw a line for the nose

The next step is to draw a line to indicate where the nose will go. To do this, measure about half of the way down from the eye line to the bottom of the circle and make a small mark on the centerline. Then, draw a short horizontal line that passes through this mark. This will be the nose line. The length of this line will determine how wide the nose will be.

Draw a mark for the chin

The final step in drawing the basic head shape is to draw a mark to indicate where the chin will go. To do this, measure about one-third of the way down from the nose line to the bottom of the circle and make a small mark on the centerline. This will be the chin point. You can adjust this point higher or lower depending on how long you want the face to be.

How to draw anime face step by step for beginners

How to draw anime face expressions and emotions

How to draw anime face proportions and measurements

How to draw anime face from different angles and perspectives

How to draw anime face with different hairstyles and accessories

How to draw anime face with shading and coloring techniques

How to draw anime face in different styles and genres

How to draw anime face with simple and easy methods

How to draw anime face with realistic and detailed features

How to draw anime face using reference images and tools

How to draw anime face anatomy and structure

How to draw anime face with different eye shapes and sizes

How to draw anime face with different nose and mouth types

How to draw anime face with different ear and eyebrow shapes

How to draw anime face with different skin tones and hair colors

How to draw anime face for male and female characters

How to draw anime face for children and adults characters

How to draw anime face for human and non-human characters

How to draw anime face for cute and cool characters

How to draw anime face for happy and sad characters

How to draw anime face tutorial video and pdf guide

How to draw anime face tips and tricks from professional artists

How to draw anime face challenges and exercises for practice

How to draw anime face online course and class

How to draw anime face book and ebook recommendation

Step 2: Draw the facial features

Draw the eyes

The eyes are one of the most important and expressive features of anime face, so you want to draw them carefully and accurately. To draw the eyes, follow these steps:

  • On the eye line, draw two almond-shaped curves that are slightly tilted and spaced apart. These will be the upper eyelids.

  • Below each upper eyelid, draw another curve that follows its shape but is smaller and closer to the centerline. These will be the lower eyelids.

  • Inside each eye, draw a large circle that touches both eyelids. These will be the irises.

  • Inside each iris, draw a smaller circle that is slightly off-center. These will be the pupils.

  • Inside each pupil, draw a tiny circle or dot that is opposite to the off-center position. These will be the highlights.

  • Above each upper eyelid, draw a thin curve that follows its shape but is slightly higher. These will be the eyebrows.

You can vary the shape, size, and position of the eyes to create different expressions and emotions. For example, you can make them bigger or smaller, rounder or sharper, closer or farther apart, etc. You can also add eyelashes, wrinkles, or other details if you want.

Draw the nose

The nose is usually drawn very simply in anime face, as it is not a very prominent feature. To draw the nose, follow these steps:

  • On the nose line, draw a small dot or dash near the centerline. This will be the tip of the nose.

  • Below the tip of the nose, draw a short curve that follows the shape of the nostril. This will be the shadow of the nose.

  • Above the tip of the nose, draw a faint curve that follows the shape of the bridge of the nose. This will be the highlight of the nose.

You can vary the shape, size, and position of the nose to create different styles and perspectives. For example, you can make it longer or shorter, wider or narrower, higher or lower, etc. You can also add more details or shading if you want.

Draw the mouth

The mouth is another expressive feature of anime face, as it can show different emotions and moods. To draw the mouth, follow these steps:

  • Beneath the nose line, draw a horizontal line that is slightly curved and close to the centerline. This will be the upper lip.

  • Below the upper lip, draw another horizontal line that is slightly curved and parallel to it. This will be the lower lip.

  • Between the upper and lower lips, draw a small gap or curve that indicates the opening of the mouth.

You can vary the shape, size, and position of the mouth to create different expressions and emotions. For example, you can make it wider or narrower, higher or lower, smiling or frowning, etc. You can also add teeth, tongue, or other details if you want.

Draw the ears

The ears are usually drawn as simple shapes that are attached to the sides of the head. To draw the ears, follow these steps:

  • On the sides of the circle, draw two curves that extend from the eye line to the nose line. These will be the outer edges of the ears.

  • Inside each ear, draw a smaller curve that follows its shape but is closer to the centerline. This will be the inner edge of the ear.

  • Inside each inner edge, draw a small curve that indicates the earlobe. This will be the lowest part of the ear.

  • Inside each ear, draw some lines or curves that indicate the folds and creases of the ear. These will add some detail and realism to the ear.

You can vary the shape, size, and position of the ears to create different styles and perspectives. For example, you can make them bigger or smaller, rounder or sharper, higher or lower, etc. You can also add earrings, piercings, or other accessories if you want.

Step 3: Draw the hair and accessories

Choose a hairstyle

The hair is one of the most fun and creative parts of drawing anime face, as it can show the personality and style of the character. To draw the hair, you first need to choose a hairstyle that suits your character. You can use reference images from anime, manga, or real life to get some inspiration. You can also mix and match different elements from different hairstyles to create your own unique one.

Some common types of hairstyles for anime face are:

  • Straight hair: This is a simple and elegant hairstyle that can be long or short, with or without bangs.

  • Curly hair: This is a cute and lively hairstyle that can be wavy or spiral, with or without bangs.

  • Spiky hair: This is a cool and edgy hairstyle that can be short or long, with or without bangs.

  • Ponytail: This is a practical and sporty hairstyle that can be high or low, with or without bangs.

  • Braids: This is a pretty and feminine hairstyle that can be single or multiple, with or without bangs.

You can also choose other types of hairstyles, such as buns, pigtails, dreadlocks, mohawks, etc. The possibilities are endless.

Sketch the hair outline

Once you have chosen a hairstyle, you need to sketch the hair outline on top of the head. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Start by drawing the front part of the hair that covers the forehead and the sides of the face. This can be bangs, sideburns, fringes, etc. Make sure to leave some space between the hair and the eyes.

  • Next, draw the back part of the hair that covers the top and the back of the head. This can be long or short, straight or curly, spiky or smooth, etc. Make sure to follow the shape of the head and add some volume to the hair.

  • Finally, draw any extra parts of the hair that extend beyond the head. This can be ponytails, braids, buns, etc. Make sure to add some movement and flow to the hair.

You can sketch the hair outline with light and loose strokes, as you will erase them later. You can also use curved lines to indicate the direction and texture of the hair.

Add details and shading to the hair

After sketching the hair outline, you need to add some details and shading to make the hair look more realistic and dynamic. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Add some strands or clumps of hair within the outline to create some variation and depth. You can use thin or thick lines depending on how fine or coarse you want the hair to be.

  • Add some highlights and shadows to create some contrast and dimension. You can use lighter or darker shades depending on how bright or dark you want the hair to be.

  • Add some shine or gloss to create some reflection and sparkle. You can use white or bright colors depending on how shiny you want the hair to be.

You can add details and shading with smooth and confident strokes, as you will keep them in your final drawing. You can also use curved lines to indicate the direction and texture of the hair.

Add accessories if you want

The last step in drawing the hair and accessories is to add any extra items that you want to enhance the style and personality of your character. These can be hats, glasses, headbands, ribbons, flowers, etc. To add accessories, follow these steps:

  • Choose an accessory that suits your character and your hairstyle. You can use reference images from anime, manga, or real life to get some inspiration. You can also create your own unique accessory.

  • Sketch the accessory on top of or around the hair, depending on its type and position. Make sure to adjust the shape and size of the accessory to fit the head and the hair.

  • Add some details and shading to the accessory to make it look more realistic and attractive. You can use different colors, patterns, textures, etc. to make the accessory stand out.

You can add accessories with careful and precise strokes, as you will keep them in your final drawing. You can also use curved lines to indicate the direction and texture of the accessory.

Step 4: Clean up and finish the drawing

Erase the guidelines and extra lines

The first step in finishing the drawing is to erase the guidelines and extra lines that you used to sketch the head and the hair. To do this, use an eraser to gently remove any unwanted marks on your paper. Be careful not to erase any parts of the face or the hair that you want to keep.

Add color and highlights to the face and hair

The next step in finishing the drawing is to add some color and highlights to the face and the hair. To do this, use colored pencils, markers, or paints to fill in the areas of the face and the hair with your chosen colors. You can use different shades and tones to create some variation and depth. You can also use white or bright colors to add some highlights and shine to the face and the hair.

Add a background if you want

The final step in finishing the drawing is to add a background if you want. To do this, use a pencil or a colored tool to draw a simple or detailed scene behind your character. You can use reference images from anime, manga, or real life to get some inspiration. You can also create your own original background.


Summary of the main points

In this article, you learned how to draw anime face in four easy steps. You learned how to:

  • Draw the basic head shape with a circle, a centerline, an eye line, a nose line, and a chin point.

  • Draw the facial features with curves, circles, dots, and dashes for the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

  • Draw the hair and accessories with sketches, details, shading, and highlights for the hairstyle and any extra items.

  • Clean up and finish the drawing with erasing, coloring, highlighting, and adding a background.

Tips and tricks for drawing anime face

Here are some tips and tricks that can help you improve your anime face drawing skills:

  • Practice regularly and experiment with different styles, expressions, angles, etc.

  • Use reference images from anime, manga, or real life as a guide, but don't copy them exactly.

  • Use a light pencil and draw lightly at first, then darken your lines when you are satisfied.

  • Use a ruler or a grid to help you keep your proportions and perspectives accurate.

  • Use curved lines instead of straight lines to make your drawing look more natural and smooth.

Call to action and encouragement

Congratulations! You have successfully drawn anime face. Now you can show off your drawing to your friends or family, or share it online with other anime fans. You can also use your drawing as a basis for creating your own stories, comics, or animations. Remember that drawing anime face is a fun and rewarding hobby that can help you express your creativity and imagination. Keep practicing and have fun!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I draw anime face from different angles?

To draw anime face from different angles, you need to adjust the shape and position of the head and the facial features according to the perspective. For example, if you want to draw anime face from a side view, you need to draw an oval instead of a circle for the head outline, and draw only one eye, ear, nostril, etc. You can use reference images from anime or real life to help you draw anime face from different angles.

  • How do I draw anime face with different expressions?

To draw anime face with different expressions, you need to change the shape and position of the eyes, eyebrows, mouth, and other facial features according to the emotion. For example, if you want to draw anime face with a happy expression, you need to make the eyes bigger and rounder, the eyebrows higher and curved, the mouth wider and curved upward, etc. You can use reference images from anime or real life to help you draw anime face with different expressions.

  • How do I draw anime face with different genders?

To draw anime face with different genders, you need to modify the shape and size of the head and the facial features according to the gender. For example, if you want to draw anime face with a female gender, you need to make the head smaller and rounder, the eyes bigger and more feminine, the nose smaller and more delicate, the mouth smaller and more curved, etc. If you want to draw anime face with a male gender, you need to make the head larger and more angular, the eyes smaller and more masculine, the nose larger and more prominent, the mouth larger and more flat, etc. You can use reference images from anime or real life to help you draw anime face with different genders.

  • How do I draw anime face with different ages?

To draw anime face with different ages, you need to adjust the proportions and details of the head and the facial features according to the age. For example, if you want to draw anime face with a child age, you need to make the head larger and more oval, the eyes larger and more innocent, the nose and mouth smaller and simpler, etc. If you want to draw anime face with an adult age, you need to make the head smaller and more round, the eyes smaller and more mature, the nose and mouth larger and more defined, etc. You can also add some wrinkles, scars, or other marks to indicate aging. You can use reference images from anime or real life to help you draw anime face with different ages.

  • How do I draw anime face with different hair colors?

To draw anime face with different hair colors, you need to use different shades and tones of colors for the hair outline, details, shading, and highlights. You can use any colors you want for the hair, as anime and manga often use unrealistic or fantasy colors for the hair. However, you should try to match the hair color with the skin tone and eye color of your character for a harmonious look. You can also use gradients or patterns to create some variation and interest in the hair color. You can use reference images from anime or manga to help you draw anime face with different hair colors.


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