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Download Ebook 60 Biografi Ulama Salaf PDF: A Must-Read for Every Muslim Who Loves the Sunnah

Download Ebook 60 Biografi Ulama Salaf PDF

If you are looking for a valuable source of inspiration and guidance in your Islamic journey, you might want to download the ebook 60 Biografi Ulama Salaf PDF. This ebook is a collection of 60 biographies of some of the most prominent and influential ulama (scholars) of the salaf (the righteous predecessors). The ebook is written by Syaikh Ahmad Farid, a contemporary scholar who has authored many books on Islamic history and biography. In this article, we will explain what the ebook is about, who are the salaf, what is in the ebook, how to download it, and what are the benefits of reading it.

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Who are the Salaf?

The term salaf literally means "predecessors" or "ancestors". In Islamic terminology, it refers to the first three generations of Muslims who lived during and after the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). These generations are considered as the best and most exemplary Muslims, as they witnessed and followed the revelation of the Quran and the Sunnah (the teachings and practices of the Prophet).

The Companions of the Prophet

The first generation of the salaf are the companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them). They are those who met the Prophet, believed in him, and supported him in his mission. They include his family members, his friends, his helpers, his emigrants, and his allies. Some of the most prominent companions are Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Aisha, Khadija, Fatima, Abu Hurayrah, Abdullah bin Abbas, Abdullah bin Umar, Anas bin Malik, and many others. They were known for their love for Allah and His Messenger, their loyalty and sacrifice for Islam, their knowledge and wisdom, their courage and justice, and their generosity and kindness.

The Followers of the Companions

The second generation of the salaf are the followers of the companions (may Allah have mercy on them). They are those who met at least one companion of the Prophet, learned from them, and followed their example. They include the scholars, the jurists, the ascetics, the narrators, and the poets. Some of the most notable followers are Sa'id bin al-Musayyib, Urwah bin al-Zubayr, al-Hasan al-Basri, Muhammad bin al-Hanafiyyah, Qasim bin Muhammad bin Abu Bakr, Mujahid bin Jabr, Ata bin Abi Rabah, and many others. They were known for their piety and devotion, their knowledge and understanding, their worship and remembrance, their asceticism and zuhd (abstinence from worldly pleasures), and their sincerity and humility.

The Followers of the Followers

The third generation of the salaf are the followers of the followers (may Allah have mercy on them). They are those who met at least one follower of a companion of the Prophet, learned from them, and followed their way. They include the imams, the jurists, the hadith experts, the theologians, and the historians. Some of the most eminent followers are Malik bin Anas, al-Awza'i, Sufyan al-Thawri, Sufyan bin Uyaynah, al-Layth bin Sa'd, Abu Hanifa, al-Shafi'i, Ahmad bin Hanbal, al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidhi, al-Nasa'i, Ibn Majah, and many others. They were known for their jurisprudence and hadith mastery, their theology and creed, their innovation and contribution, their scholarship and leadership, and their legacy and influence.

What is in the Ebook?

The ebook 60 Biografi Ulama Salaf PDF is a comprehensive and captivating collection of 60 biographies of some of the most prominent and influential ulama of the salaf. The ebook is based on authentic and reliable sources, such as the Quran, the Sunnah, the books of history and biography, and the statements of the ulama themselves. The ebook covers various fields and eras of Islamic scholarship, such as Quranic exegesis, hadith sciences, jurisprudence, theology, history, literature, and more. The ebook also provides valuable lessons and insights from the lives of the salaf, such as their faith and morals, their manners and ethics, their struggles and achievements, their challenges and solutions, and their advice and guidance.

The Biographies of the Salaf

The ebook contains 60 biographies of different ulama from various fields and eras. Each biography is divided into several sections, such as the name and lineage of the scholar, his birth and upbringing, his education and teachers, his works and writings, his students and followers, his death and burial, his virtues and merits, his quotes and sayings, and his lessons and benefits. Some of the biographies that are featured in the ebook are:

  • Imam al-Bukhari: The author of the most authentic book of hadith, Sahih al-Bukhari. He was a master of hadith sciences, who memorized hundreds of thousands of hadiths and traveled extensively to collect them. He was also a jurist, a theologian, a linguist, and a historian.

  • Imam al-Shafi'i: The founder of one of the four major schools of Islamic jurisprudence, the Shafi'i school. He was a genius of fiqh (jurisprudence), who combined the opinions of the companions, the followers, and the imams. He was also a hadith scholar, a poet, a debater, and a reformer.

  • Imam Ibn Kathir: The author of one of the most famous books of Quranic exegesis, Tafsir Ibn Kathir. He was a scholar of tafsir (Quranic exegesis), who explained the Quran based on the Quran itself, the Sunnah, the statements of the salaf, and the Arabic language. He was also a historian, a biographer, a hadith expert, and a theologian.

  • Imam al-Nawawi: The author of one of the most popular books of hadith, Riyad al-Salihin (The Gardens of the Righteous). He was a scholar of hadith, who compiled and commented on various collections of hadith. He was also a jurist, a mystic, a linguist, and an ascetic.

  • Ibn Taymiyyah: The author of one of the most comprehensive books of Islamic theology, Majmu' al-Fatawa (The Collection of Verdicts). He was a scholar of aqidah (creed), who defended the orthodox beliefs of Islam against various deviant sects and ideologies. He was also a jurist, a hadith scholar, a logician, and a reformer.

  • Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani: The author of one of the most authoritative books of hadith sciences, Fath al-Bari (The Victory of the Creator). He was a scholar of hadith, who explained and authenticated the hadiths in Sahih al-Bukhari. He was also a jurist, a historian, a linguist, and a poet.

The Lessons from the Salaf

The ebook also provides valuable lessons and insights from the lives of the salaf, such as:

  • Their adherence to the Quran and Sunnah: The salaf were keen to follow the guidance and commands of Allah and His Messenger in all aspects of their lives. They did not deviate from the clear and authentic sources of Islam, nor did they follow their desires or opinions.

  • Their love for Allah and His Messenger: The salaf were sincere and devoted to Allah and His Messenger. They loved them more than anything else in this world, and they expressed their love by obeying them, remembering them, praising them, and defending them.

  • Their sincerity and humility: The salaf were pure and humble in their intentions and actions. They did not seek fame or wealth from their knowledge or deeds, nor did they show off or boast about them. They only sought the pleasure and reward of Allah.

  • Their courage and perseverance: The salaf were brave and steadfast in their struggle for Islam. They faced many trials and hardships, such as persecution, oppression, wars, imprisonment, torture, and death. They did not give up or compromise their faith, nor did they fear anyone but Allah.

  • Their generosity and kindness: The salaf were generous and kind to their fellow Muslims and non-Muslims. They gave charity, helped the needy, supported the oppressed, spread peace, forgave mistakes, and invited to Islam.

Their pursuit of knowledge and worship: The salaf were avid seekers of knowledge and doers of worship. They studied the Quran and Sunnah, learned from the ulama, taught and wrote books, memorized and narrated hadiths, derived and applied rulings, debated and refuted errors, and more. They also prayed, fasted, gave zakat, performed hajj, recited and listened to the Quran, made dhikr and du'a, and more.

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How to Download the Ebook?

If you are interested in downloading the ebook 60 Biografi Ulama Salaf PDF, you can follow these simple steps:

  • Go to the website [7]( which is a reliable and secure source of ebooks.

  • Click on the button that says "Download PDF" or "Read Online". You will be redirected to another page where you can choose your preferred option.

  • If you choose to download the ebook, you will need to sign in with your Google account or create one if you don't have one. You will also need to agree to the terms and conditions of the service.

  • Once you have signed in and agreed, you will be able to download the ebook to your device. You will need a PDF reader application to open and read the ebook.

  • If you choose to read the ebook online, you will be able to access it directly from your browser. You will be able to zoom in and out, scroll up and down, bookmark pages, and search for keywords.

Here are some screenshots of how the ebook looks like on different devices:





In conclusion, the ebook 60 Biografi Ulama Salaf PDF is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn from the lives of the salaf, who were among the best generations of Muslims. The ebook contains 60 biographies of different ulama from various fields and eras, who left a lasting impact on Islamic scholarship and civilization. The ebook also provides valuable lessons and insights from the lives of the salaf, such as their adherence to the Quran and Sunnah, their love for Allah and His Messenger, their sincerity and humility, their courage and perseverance, their generosity and kindness, and their pursuit of knowledge and worship. The ebook can be easily downloaded or read online from a reliable website, such as [7]( We hope that this article has helped you understand what the ebook is about, who are the salaf, what is in the ebook, how to download it, and what are the benefits of reading it.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about the ebook:

  • Q: Who is the author of the ebook?A: The author of the ebook is Syaikh Ahmad Farid, a contemporary scholar who has written many books on Islamic history and biography.

  • Q: What is the original language of the ebook?A: The original language of the ebook is Arabic. The title is Min A'lam As-Salaf (From the Luminaries of the Salaf).

  • Q: Is there an English translation of the ebook?A: Unfortunately, there is no official English translation of the ebook yet. However, there are some websites that offer unofficial translations or summaries of some of the biographies.

  • Q: How long is the ebook?A: The ebook is about 900 pages long. It contains 60 biographies of different ulama from various fields and eras.

  • Q: How can I benefit from reading the ebook?A: You can benefit from reading the ebook by learning from the examples of the salaf, who were among the best generations of Muslims. You can also increase your knowledge and faith by reading about their achievements and challenges in spreading Islam.


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